Shortly after South Africa went into lockdown in 2020, Beth felt a strong calling to help the school kids in the homesteads around our farm near eManzana. She visited a couple of the closest homesteads and talked to a few of the adults and as a result Prayer Mountain School was started. The school started at small "accomodation resort" next to our farm using their community hall as a school room. She was given permission to use this room only for a couple of weeks.
The number of kids coming to school grew each day and so after her 2-weeks use of the hall expired she moved to setting up class at the homesteads each morning. But, because we were heading into our winter the morning temperatures sometimes were as cold as 0 degrees C (32 degrees F) so we decided it was best to move the school here to one of the unused rooms in our farmhouse. Thanks to very generous donations we have been able to renovate one of the larger rooms into a full classroom.
The kids are fed twice during their school day and they love to dance and sing to lots of worship videos. After their school work is finished they can go outside and play "football" (known in the states as soccer). Much of their reading practice is through Bible stories.
Now that governement schools are back to full-time classes the local kids still come to Prayer Mountain School at least twice a week from 4-6(ish) for help with homework and also to do needed research for their assigned homework. During school holidays the classroom is very busy 3 days a week with 10-20 kids showing up for class with individual work that Beths creates for teaching each of the kids.
We are also now offering a special shop class in the wood shop for some of the students. This class is available to them twice a month.