For most of my life I have worked with computers. It started in high school (many many many years ago!!) when my access to a computer was a paper and tape terminal connected to a huge main frame in another city. While I was never a programmer I did learn a lot about computers and how they have affected our everyday life. I worked in the IT world most of my life, including owning an IT company for many years and built and maintained computers starting with MSDOS machines in the 70's. Because computers seem to be part of my DNA I am thrilled that through special donations I have been able to help some local children and young adults learn about the use of computers. Whether we want to admit it or not, if someone is going to do anything in this world to make a difference in their lives they must know something about using a computer.
The computers provided here are very inexpensive with 100% free legal software and very easy to manage and operate. For approximately $300 USD each these small RaspberryPi computers help young people learn computer basics, keyboard and mouse skills, plus how to use a word processor, a spreadsheet, graphics and remove the fear of sitting in front of a computer.
Giving children and young adults a chance for their tomorrows!!
There is a need for more systems like this in many remote areas.
If you are interested in donating toward additional systems let us know.